Title: Only I can have you
Author: Marve Bolinas
Properly Credit to author and Ryosuke Yamaa PHFC
Pairing: Yamachii, Takachii (slight)
Genre: Oneshot, romance, angst, tragedy
Rating: PG18- NC-15
Summary: If ryosuke couldn't have yuri, no one will.
Yamada Ryosuke's POV
"Yuri, I love you.."
Ah, he's finally here. he's finally in class yet there he goes again, smiling to everyone as if he's the happiest person in the world when it's only seeing his classmates. yuri, what's with that face? you always show that to everyone. why can't you only show it to me?
You passed by my seat since yours is just beside mine, but before that, you smiled at me and nodded which I also did. yuri, I swear I wanted to stop time at that exact moment. you smiling at me and me only.
I want to have your smile,
I want to have your soothing and calming voice,
those sparkly eyes,
those cute lips.
I want to have you.
I stared at you after you took your seat without you noticing then saw tears in your eyes. why? why are you always crying when you're alone? what's wrong? it's not the first time that I've seen you cry. I've seen you cry the first time we met. the school's entrance ceremony.
I want to have you.
I stared at you after you took your seat without you noticing then saw tears in your eyes. why? why are you always crying when you're alone? what's wrong? it's not the first time that I've seen you cry. I've seen you cry the first time we met. the school's entrance ceremony.