Ryosuke Yamada 20th Otanjoubi Fansign Contest
Here's the Fanvid that Admin Gumi made for the compilation of your messages to Ryosuke Yamada!
Enjoy Watching!!
Here are the compilations of Fansign Entries for
Ryosuke Yamada 20th Birthday!
Fansign Entry: #1
Name: Gladys Grace R. Cabel
Province/City: Caloocan City
Biirthday greetings to Yama-chan: To JUMP's sexy buta, Otanjoubi Omedetou! Thank you for making us smile. Ganbaretsugo~! And more blessing and birthdays to come. Again, Otanjoubi Omedetou. ILY~
Name: Gladys Grace R. Cabel
Province/City: Caloocan City
Biirthday greetings to Yama-chan: To JUMP's sexy buta, Otanjoubi Omedetou! Thank you for making us smile. Ganbaretsugo~! And more blessing and birthdays to come. Again, Otanjoubi Omedetou. ILY~
Fansign Entry: #2
Name: Carleen Cielo
Prov./ City: Taguig, Metro Manila
Birthday Greeting to Yamada:
-- Hey ! Otanjoubi Omedetou Gozaimasu Yama-chan !!! Yey! Your not a teenager anymore XD. Hahah, well.. for now I know you achieve your dreams, demo my wish for you is, always stay in goodhealth(you need that), God bless you always. And thank you for making your fans happy(including me^^) Ichiban forever! Kampai !!
Message: Hi ! It is my 1st time doing this kind of fs for my idols. ^^ hahah, I'm a bit embarassed but anyway since I love Yama-chan, I will do this for his birthday & I want to get those prizes too as a remembrance for his 20th birthday.^^ Thanks. *I hope to won that*
Name: Carleen Cielo
Prov./ City: Taguig, Metro Manila
Birthday Greeting to Yamada:
-- Hey ! Otanjoubi Omedetou Gozaimasu Yama-chan !!! Yey! Your not a teenager anymore XD. Hahah, well.. for now I know you achieve your dreams, demo my wish for you is, always stay in goodhealth(you need that), God bless you always. And thank you for making your fans happy(including me^^) Ichiban forever! Kampai !!
Message: Hi ! It is my 1st time doing this kind of fs for my idols. ^^ hahah, I'm a bit embarassed but anyway since I love Yama-chan, I will do this for his birthday & I want to get those prizes too as a remembrance for his 20th birthday.^^ Thanks. *I hope to won that*
Fansign Entry: #3
name: Marialyn Entuciasmo
City : Quezon city, Manila
Birth-day Greeting to Yamada ....
nee nee ~~ Otanjoubi Omedetou Yama-kun, more b-day to come, I hope you will be a good image to the other people ... :))
and I hope your wish/wishes come true ...
~~JUMP now and forever.. ~~
name: Marialyn Entuciasmo
City : Quezon city, Manila
Birth-day Greeting to Yamada ....
nee nee ~~ Otanjoubi Omedetou Yama-kun, more b-day to come, I hope you will be a good image to the other people ... :))
and I hope your wish/wishes come true ...
~~JUMP now and forever.. ~~
Message: Hello !! this is my first time to make a fansign for my
ichiban Ryosuke Yamada (panda) I was very happy to make a fansign
to him I hope he like this ( ^3^ ) ....
Fansign Entry: #4
NAME: Lunacy Suzuki
PROVINCE/CITY: Candaba, Pampanga
~> Otanjoubi Omedetou, Yama-chan! BANZAI! *party poppers* Yatah! you're 20 already! it's like the last time i saw you, you were so "chiisai and kawaii" but now...O_O look at you!!! "Ikemen"!!! KAKOI!!! *deep breath* Things were getting tougher and tougher as you grow up and there will be controversies, conflicts and problems that you will face in the future but always remember that JUMP is always there by your side...supporting and encouraging you to the fullest!!! and there's US!!! THE DIE-HARD FANS!!! (even though you don't know us XD) >Genki wo dashite! Oshiawase ni! GAMBATTE KUDASAI!!!< <~
...NOTE: ne~ I still have some strawberries left! wanna ate some strawberry shortcake together with strawberry smoothie? XD...
NAME: Lunacy Suzuki
PROVINCE/CITY: Candaba, Pampanga
~> Otanjoubi Omedetou, Yama-chan! BANZAI! *party poppers* Yatah! you're 20 already! it's like the last time i saw you, you were so "chiisai and kawaii" but now...O_O look at you!!! "Ikemen"!!! KAKOI!!! *deep breath* Things were getting tougher and tougher as you grow up and there will be controversies, conflicts and problems that you will face in the future but always remember that JUMP is always there by your side...supporting and encouraging you to the fullest!!! and there's US!!! THE DIE-HARD FANS!!! (even though you don't know us XD) >Genki wo dashite! Oshiawase ni! GAMBATTE KUDASAI!!!< <~
...NOTE: ne~ I still have some strawberries left! wanna ate some strawberry shortcake together with strawberry smoothie? XD...
Fansign Entry: #5
Name:Sandhie Hadloc
Your birthday greetings to Yama-chan:
Happy Birthday Aishteru yo
Name:Sandhie Hadloc
Your birthday greetings to Yama-chan:
Happy Birthday Aishteru yo
Fansign Entry# 6
Name: Mary Love Relucio
Province/City: Caloocan
Your Birthday greetings to Yama-chan:
Mahal kita Nyahaha! Happy 20th Birthday *sobs* I trust you. Stop growing up and marry me Thanks for making my ovary pop Lol. jk Thanks for being an inspiration
Name: Mary Love Relucio
Province/City: Caloocan
Your Birthday greetings to Yama-chan:
Mahal kita Nyahaha! Happy 20th Birthday *sobs* I trust you. Stop growing up and marry me Thanks for making my ovary pop Lol. jk Thanks for being an inspiration
Fansign Entry: #7
Name: Aiko Gotoh
Province/City : Quezon City , Manila
= Birthday Greeting to Yamada Ryosuke =
Otanjoubi Omedetou!!! Yamada-kun >< !!
Hope you will stay charming like now and forever ! n_n
always take care of yourself ^^ .
Yamada-kun you are one of my great inspiration !!
ASHITERU YO!! >////< Yamada-kun
Arigatou!!~~ for making your fangirls !! happy :)) while listening to your song
Messeji: Konnichiwa!! This is my first time making a fansign . I simply made it because Yamada Ryosuke is my ICHIBAN!! I did this just for him even I'm a shy type girl ><
I made it for you Ryo-chan! >////< hazukashi~~
This is my Fansign with Yamada Ryosuke's Picture , His name in Kanji ..
and with japanese hiragana ( Otanjoubi Omedetou !! )
Name: Aiko Gotoh
Province/City : Quezon City , Manila
= Birthday Greeting to Yamada Ryosuke =
Otanjoubi Omedetou!!! Yamada-kun >< !!
Hope you will stay charming like now and forever ! n_n
always take care of yourself ^^ .
Yamada-kun you are one of my great inspiration !!
ASHITERU YO!! >////< Yamada-kun
Arigatou!!~~ for making your fangirls !! happy :)) while listening to your song
Messeji: Konnichiwa!! This is my first time making a fansign . I simply made it because Yamada Ryosuke is my ICHIBAN!! I did this just for him even I'm a shy type girl ><
I made it for you Ryo-chan! >////< hazukashi~~
This is my Fansign with Yamada Ryosuke's Picture , His name in Kanji ..
and with japanese hiragana ( Otanjoubi Omedetou !! )
Fansign Entry: #8
Name: Sheena Jodel Espia
Contact Number: 09187024871
Province: Iloilo City, Phillipines
Your Birthday greeting to Yamada:
Yo Buta! haha you're getting older eh? =3= 1 year has already passed since i started to know you.. but.. all i wanna say is.. Happy Birthday Ryosuke!! tsk tsk.. be more responsible this time okay? you're a year older now geez! another year difference between our ages.. hmmp! but i still believe the saying.. "age doesn't matter ne?" hahaha.. am i confessing my love now deshou?? haha.. oh! by the way, Once again.. Happy 20th Birthday Ryosuke! I..i mean.. WE love you so so so so much!!! Mwuah!! Aishiteru! Daisuki!!! >3< hope you have more blessings and projects to come!!! Mwuah!! I love you!! Otanjoubi Omedetou!!! Weeeeew~!!! hahaha
Name: Sheena Jodel Espia
Contact Number: 09187024871
Province: Iloilo City, Phillipines
Your Birthday greeting to Yamada:
Yo Buta! haha you're getting older eh? =3= 1 year has already passed since i started to know you.. but.. all i wanna say is.. Happy Birthday Ryosuke!! tsk tsk.. be more responsible this time okay? you're a year older now geez! another year difference between our ages.. hmmp! but i still believe the saying.. "age doesn't matter ne?" hahaha.. am i confessing my love now deshou?? haha.. oh! by the way, Once again.. Happy 20th Birthday Ryosuke! I..i mean.. WE love you so so so so much!!! Mwuah!! Aishiteru! Daisuki!!! >3< hope you have more blessings and projects to come!!! Mwuah!! I love you!! Otanjoubi Omedetou!!! Weeeeew~!!! hahaha
Fansign: # 9
Name: Dayanara Roan
Province/City: Manila City
Your birthday greetings to Yama-chan:
Otanjoubi omedetto Yama-chan~!!
You always makes me smile since I first saw you 7 years ago ne~!! Ureshii~!!
Have an awesome birthday~!!
Honto ni daisuki desu
Name: Dayanara Roan
Province/City: Manila City
Your birthday greetings to Yama-chan:
Otanjoubi omedetto Yama-chan~!!
You always makes me smile since I first saw you 7 years ago ne~!! Ureshii~!!
Have an awesome birthday~!!
Honto ni daisuki desu
Fansign: #10
Name: Rayza Cairo
City: Cebu City
Bday greeting: Otanjoubi Omedeto Buta!!!
Yama-chan, you're an adult already. Yokatta ne? Throughout these 3 months of knowing Hey! Say! JUMP, I have always known that you're the center. It sometimes hurts me but I accept it because you don't take lightly the position of being the center. Sometimes, it worries you that you are ahead of the group just like how you get to have a solo debut. Continue to love Hey! Say! JUMP and especially Chinen Yuri. (yamachii shipper here!) I am always here to support you every step of the way.
Name: Rayza Cairo
City: Cebu City
Bday greeting: Otanjoubi Omedeto Buta!!!
Yama-chan, you're an adult already. Yokatta ne? Throughout these 3 months of knowing Hey! Say! JUMP, I have always known that you're the center. It sometimes hurts me but I accept it because you don't take lightly the position of being the center. Sometimes, it worries you that you are ahead of the group just like how you get to have a solo debut. Continue to love Hey! Say! JUMP and especially Chinen Yuri. (yamachii shipper here!) I am always here to support you every step of the way.
Fansign: # 11
name: Alsicika Wang
Contact Number: +6289606344869
Province/City: Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Your birthday greetings to Yama-chan: Happy Birthday, Yama-chan. i hope you always shinning like star and you not forget where you come from, and always being part with JUMP
God Bless You, dear ~
name: Alsicika Wang
Contact Number: +6289606344869
Province/City: Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Your birthday greetings to Yama-chan: Happy Birthday, Yama-chan. i hope you always shinning like star and you not forget where you come from, and always being part with JUMP
God Bless You, dear ~
Fansign: #12
Your name: Nadine Jamena
Province/City: Caloocan City, Philippines
Your birthday greetings to Yama-chan:
OTANJOUBI OMEDETOU YAMA-CHAN!!! My wish for you is to be successful in all the things you will do Don't ever give up!! and remember Mistakes are proofs that you are trying your best ^^ God bless you and many more birthdays to come!!
Your name: Nadine Jamena
Province/City: Caloocan City, Philippines
Your birthday greetings to Yama-chan:
OTANJOUBI OMEDETOU YAMA-CHAN!!! My wish for you is to be successful in all the things you will do Don't ever give up!! and remember Mistakes are proofs that you are trying your best ^^ God bless you and many more birthdays to come!!
Fansign: #13
Name: Rose Anne Pamintuan
Prov/City: San Fernando Pampanga
Birthday Message:
Dear Yamachan,
I know that I’m still a stranger for you , But the stars knows how much I admire you.
And how it begins , But that was not important Because a long story was not more important rather than to see your charismatic smile on a picture.
I just want to greet you a happy 20th birthday, Now that you’re turning 20, The thing that I can only do to you , for now is to describe you in a simple sentence . I just want to tell you that for me , you are a “Mirror’s Life” why? Its because you are a person that can express their feelings in real life, that’s why I began to attract on you , not only because of your angelic voice and unique dance moves that was appealing to us so much , But when I started to know you better , I fell inlove with you , not on your talents , but it was on your attitude, In how you gave importance to us and specially you show the real you on and off screen :)))
My love for you as a fan describes the quote “ Love is not enough to make relationship last, Loyalty is key” That quote promises not only love but loyalty from whom she loves, that’s what I am to you.
I think that, all of your fans had lots of wishes for you , so here I am, just having a simple wish to you, To keep our dear Lord God in your heart, because right now I’m not there when you are sad and lonely to cheer you up, and also I’m not there to be your shoulders when you are crying. But our Almighty God is still be there for you no matter what you feel right now. So just remember that stay humble and cute (kawaii), And also remember that “Music is for Life” even the times came or will come that we will not see each other , and as soon as I become old and have a family, You’re music will still be there to make me remember the unforgettable fangirl life that I had , When I was a teenager. And who could have say that, My son to be will be the next ~ YAMADA RYOSUKE~ in the Philippines. Just kidding :PPP.
But now I just want to tell you that you are my Inspiration and the one who cheered me up, when Im down and my shoulder, when I cried.
Just always remember
Youre Ultimate Fan
Name: Rose Anne Pamintuan
Prov/City: San Fernando Pampanga
Birthday Message:
Dear Yamachan,
I know that I’m still a stranger for you , But the stars knows how much I admire you.
And how it begins , But that was not important Because a long story was not more important rather than to see your charismatic smile on a picture.
I just want to greet you a happy 20th birthday, Now that you’re turning 20, The thing that I can only do to you , for now is to describe you in a simple sentence . I just want to tell you that for me , you are a “Mirror’s Life” why? Its because you are a person that can express their feelings in real life, that’s why I began to attract on you , not only because of your angelic voice and unique dance moves that was appealing to us so much , But when I started to know you better , I fell inlove with you , not on your talents , but it was on your attitude, In how you gave importance to us and specially you show the real you on and off screen :)))
My love for you as a fan describes the quote “ Love is not enough to make relationship last, Loyalty is key” That quote promises not only love but loyalty from whom she loves, that’s what I am to you.
I think that, all of your fans had lots of wishes for you , so here I am, just having a simple wish to you, To keep our dear Lord God in your heart, because right now I’m not there when you are sad and lonely to cheer you up, and also I’m not there to be your shoulders when you are crying. But our Almighty God is still be there for you no matter what you feel right now. So just remember that stay humble and cute (kawaii), And also remember that “Music is for Life” even the times came or will come that we will not see each other , and as soon as I become old and have a family, You’re music will still be there to make me remember the unforgettable fangirl life that I had , When I was a teenager. And who could have say that, My son to be will be the next ~ YAMADA RYOSUKE~ in the Philippines. Just kidding :PPP.
But now I just want to tell you that you are my Inspiration and the one who cheered me up, when Im down and my shoulder, when I cried.
Just always remember
Youre Ultimate Fan
My Dearest,
Fansign #: 14
Name: Edhana Krisia Posada Banton
Province/City: Naga City
Your Birthday greeting to Yamada:
Happy Birthday
I will always support and love you
Name: Edhana Krisia Posada Banton
Province/City: Naga City
Your Birthday greeting to Yamada:
Happy Birthday
I will always support and love you
Fansign: # 15
Name: Chelsea Cabugza
Province/City:Caloocan city
Your birthday greetings to Yama-chan:
yamada ryosuke happy happy birthday good luck always, we love you god always bless you, i'll always adore your talents your voice, the way you dance, act and be yourself, AISHITERU Ryosuke, your loving fan i'm super glad that i know you and jpop and that makes my life happier than before,
NOTE: the drawing is made by my friend for me she know that i'm a fan of yamachan , um anou pls like , thanks.
Name: Chelsea Cabugza
Province/City:Caloocan city
Your birthday greetings to Yama-chan:
yamada ryosuke happy happy birthday good luck always, we love you god always bless you, i'll always adore your talents your voice, the way you dance, act and be yourself, AISHITERU Ryosuke, your loving fan i'm super glad that i know you and jpop and that makes my life happier than before,
NOTE: the drawing is made by my friend for me she know that i'm a fan of yamachan , um anou pls like , thanks.
Name:Emma Hirose
Province/City:Imus Cavite
Your Birthday Greetings to Yama-chan:
山田涼介 お誕生日おめでとう。。
Name:Emma Hirose
Province/City:Imus Cavite
Your Birthday Greetings to Yama-chan:
山田涼介 お誕生日おめでとう。。
Daisuki Dayo...!!
Because of you...I am having only few sad days, because of you,I have something to Adore...
I will Love You from now on...God Bless...
Hoping to be able to go to your concert again...
Fansign: #17
Name: Princess Princess Flor Fondevilla Balolong
Province/City: Real, Quezon Province
Your birthday greetings to Yama-chan:
Stay Handsome! hahaha! I wish you all the best. I hope someday that YOU and JUMP will visit our country! I will be here to support you forever!
~Aishiteru yo!
Name: Princess Princess Flor Fondevilla Balolong
Province/City: Real, Quezon Province
Your birthday greetings to Yama-chan:
Stay Handsome! hahaha! I wish you all the best. I hope someday that YOU and JUMP will visit our country! I will be here to support you forever!
~Aishiteru yo!
Fansign: #18
Name: Mary Shine Licaros
City: Davao City
Happy 20th Birthday Yama-chan!!?
Love you so much!
Mwah! Mwah! Tsup! Tsup!
Shine desu
Name: Mary Shine Licaros
City: Davao City
Happy 20th Birthday Yama-chan!!?
Love you so much!
Mwah! Mwah! Tsup! Tsup!
Shine desu
Fansign: #19
Name: Mary Mae Kathleen Licaros
Prov./City: Toril, Davao City
To my dearest chibi Yamabuta...
Otanjoubi Omedetou!!?
I wish you good health, more singles, albums, and concerts for JUMP, and more doramas and movies.
Stay humble, friendly, mystery virgin and chibi..heehee
From your Tobikko,
Name: Mary Mae Kathleen Licaros
Prov./City: Toril, Davao City
To my dearest chibi Yamabuta...
Otanjoubi Omedetou!!?
I wish you good health, more singles, albums, and concerts for JUMP, and more doramas and movies.
Stay humble, friendly, mystery virgin and chibi..heehee
From your Tobikko,
I Hey! Say! JUMP
Fansign: #20
Your name: Kristine Dawayen
Province/City: Northern Marianas Island, Saipan
Your birthday greetings to Yama-chan: Our dear Ryo-kun, Happy! Happy Birthday to you! now that you turned into a proper and admiring adult, we TOBIKKO's are happy! we wish you to have more Birthday to come and many more years! please be a good example to the youngsters and all to the juniors! we will ALWAYS support you and the JUMP! 頑張ってください! and お誕生日おめでとう! on turning 20 this year! 私たちはあなたを愛して!<(^.^)>
Your name: Kristine Dawayen
Province/City: Northern Marianas Island, Saipan
Your birthday greetings to Yama-chan: Our dear Ryo-kun, Happy! Happy Birthday to you! now that you turned into a proper and admiring adult, we TOBIKKO's are happy! we wish you to have more Birthday to come and many more years! please be a good example to the youngsters and all to the juniors! we will ALWAYS support you and the JUMP! 頑張ってください! and お誕生日おめでとう! on turning 20 this year! 私たちはあなたを愛して!<(^.^)>

Fansign: 21
Name: Dominelie Tagle Monzon
Province/City: Dasma. Cavite
Biirthday greetings to Yama-chan: Otanjoubi Omedetou Yama-chaaan! Even though you're not my ichi, I love you as my friend loves youu very very much. I love the way you dance, sing and the way you care about your co-members in JUMP. Wishing you to have a good health and long life :))) We love you very much :))
Message: This my very first time to make a fansign. I hope you liked it minna
Name: Dominelie Tagle Monzon
Province/City: Dasma. Cavite
Biirthday greetings to Yama-chan: Otanjoubi Omedetou Yama-chaaan! Even though you're not my ichi, I love you as my friend loves youu very very much. I love the way you dance, sing and the way you care about your co-members in JUMP. Wishing you to have a good health and long life :))) We love you very much :))
Message: This my very first time to make a fansign. I hope you liked it minna
Thanks for JOINING Our CONTEST minna!
I hope Ryosuke will see this too!! :)
I'm sure he will be happy to see this wonderful PRESENT for HIM! :)
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